
The team behind the NM2024 is set

It is going to be a quite experienced team that will organize the Nordic Championships 2024 in Herning

The organisation commitee behind the NM2024 has a lot of experience in competitions and events for Icelandic horses.

The teamleader is Lisa la Cour Júlíusson is one of the organizers behind Aros Gait Event and other big World Ranking Events in Denmark, throughout the years. She is also a member of the Sports Commitee in The Danish Icelandichorse Association (DI).

The Competition leader Trine Winther has been doing Danish Championships and all big WRL competitions in Denmark as for eg Icehorse Festival.

Anders Kajhøj Hansen is the chairman of DI Sports Commitee and Chairmans and competion leader of many WRL competionts and other events for the club Ganti.

Stine Sandahl who is going to be in charge of communication and PR has also many years of experience and have done World Championships in 2015 and 2021, Nordic championship i 2024, World Toelt and is one of the founders of the indoor World Ranking event Icehorse Festival in HErning

Andreas Hejndorf who is in charge of technical issues has been doing a whole lot of DMs and is also involved in Icehorse Festival on teamleader level.

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Did you know that you can not only watch horses on the track at the Nordic Championships? There will also be different talks, called NMTalks 😎9.8.24 1pm “How do horses perceive their world? - Equine perception and the link to welfare and emotions”What can horses hear? Do they see colours, and if so, do they see all colours the same way as we humans? Can horses smell fear? And is there any truth to the common saying that chestnut horses are more sensitive than other coat colours? These are some of the questions Asso. Prof. Rørvang will answer during her talk. Asso. Prof. Rørvang will take us on a journey through the horse’s sensory abilities and current knowns and unknowns about equine perception. We will explore aspects affecting how horses interpret sensory information such as experience and personality. Lastly, the talk will stimulate discussion on how to better adapt training and handling methods for horses’ perceptual abilities, which will provide an avenue for refining horse welfare.Associate Professor Maria Vilain Rørvang, PhD & Docent, is an ethologist and senior lecturer at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in Alnarp. Asso. Prof. Rørvang has, apart from her research, been actively involved with the International Society for Equitation Science for several years, and teaches animal behaviour and equitation science on under graduate, graduate and post graduate level, as well as internationally. She grew up on a horse farm with Icelandic horses, where she was fortunate to be riding professionally for several years before leaving for academia. This has resulted in several national and international championship titles, and a practical angle on equine research.The talks are included in the entry ticket you can get at #horsesofinsta #happyhorse #nordicchampionship2024 #islandpferd #horses #nmicehorses2024 #herning #horsesoficeland #icelandichorses #icelandichorse #islandshest #nmtalks
🍂Husk tilmeldingfrist 1. nov. som klubdelegeret🍂Dansk Islandshesteforening har åbnet for tilmelding til generalforsamlingen 2023.Alle lokale islandshesteklubber skal ifølge vedtægterne huske senest den 1. november skriftligt at indrapportere navnene på deres delegerede medlemmer, for at de delegerede kan udøve stemmeretten.
#danskislandshesteforening #islandskhest #islandshest #islænder #islandskeheste #foreningsliv
Profilfags dag på islænderprofilen 🥳
Fantastisk dag med højt humør, god arbejds indsats, massere hest, grin, teori, læring og hygge🥰
Tusind tak til frederikkestougaard og Emil Obelitz fordi i havde lyst til deltage, og lære pigerne en masse 🤓😁#efterskoleliv #husby #efterskolemedhest #icelandichorse #islandskhest #efterskoleliv #efterskoleijylland #profilfagsdag #riding #danskislandshesteforening #ryttermærker #rideundervisning #hygge #fællesskab
Playtime!👍🏻 Two thumbs up for everybody that creates opportunities for their horses to be with their friends.
To eat, stand, run, rest, sleep, nibble, drink, eat and repeat 👍🏻Sínus fra Skovly and Stormur fra Skovly
Tak til stald_byskov#happyhorses #paulinefotografi #staldbyskov #skovly #islenskihesturinn #playtime #islandhest #icelandichorses #happyhorsehappyrider #ungheste #danskislandshesteforening #equinephotographer #equinephotography #equinepictures #hestefotograf #hestefotografi #action #canon6dmarkii
Kender du den? 👀👀Især én model bruges verden over til at måle og vurdere dyrevelfærd.Den hedder Femdomænemodellen, og den hjælper med at give et overblik over, hvad der indvirker på vores dyrs trivsel.Historien om Femdomæne-modellen får du på TÖLT - link i bio.
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Har du set det?Formand for Dyreetisk Råd, Bengt Holst, har udgivet et blogindlæg på rådets hjemmeside.Det sker i forlængelse af den udtalelse, som det Dyreetiske Råd kom med i marts 2023 om brug af heste til sport.Rådets formand mener, der er behov for øget fokus på flere ting i ridesporten, og at udøvere og organisationer bag har et stort ansvar for på alle måder at sikre, at sporten ikke går ud over hestenes velfærd.På TÖLT kan du læse hvad ellers Bengt Holst mener, samt DIs formand Sus Ulbæks kommentarer til hans blogindlæg. Link til TÖLT i bio.
#danskislandshesteforening #islandskhest #islandshest #islænder #hestesport #dyreetiskråd #detdyreetiskeråd #islandskeheste #magasinettölt
🍁🌳 Skal du udforske nyt rideterræn i efterårsferien?Her er hjælp at hente. Det kan nemlig være svært at få et overblik over ridespor i Danmark 🧐På hjemmesiden findes et kort over lovlige ridespor "høstet" fra forskellige platforme og samlet et sted.Kortet kan bruges som inspiration til, hvor der findes ridespor.Sådan gør du:🟢 Kortet fungerer som en web-app.🟢 Gå til kortet via link i bio.🟢Til venstre er der 4 grønne ikoner. Klikker du på den nederste, kan du se, hvor du er. Så farer du ikke vild.På kortet har du også mulighed for at se arealer ejet af Naturstyrelsen. (Husk at det skal ”klikkes til” i lagliste) – her bydes vi ryttere som udgangspunkt velkomne.Du kan orientere dig i reglerne her du spørgsmål til kortet, så send en mail til projektleder på Ridespor Danmark Tove Urup Madsen på tove@islandshest.dkGOD RIDETUR!
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